How to Display NFT? The 6 Best Ways

PersonOutlineIconUPYO.comCalendarTodayIcon December 4, 2022AccessTimeIcon 6 Mins Read
PersonOutlineIconUPYO.comCalendarTodayIcon December 4, 2022AccessTimeIcon Mins Read
How to Display NFT? The 6 Best Ways Featured Image

NFT art has become mainstream, and it has earned extraordinary credibility as a direct result of the involvement of famous auction houses such as Christie’s and Sotheby’s. Beeple’s artwork sale helped pique the general public’s interest, introducing them to the new concept of virtual assets. More people are now purchasing non-fungible token art and participating in the NFT trade.

display your NFT

After purchasing it, most consumers discover that they do not know how to show their work gracefully. As a result, the precious goods stay unacknowledged by the world on their mobiles or PCs. When you collect art, especially after you’ve spent hundreds, if not millions, of dollars on it, it’s only reasonable to want to show it off a little. There are a few options for displaying your non-fungible token art collection. Let’s have a look at the ways in which you can display your non-fungible token:

The best ways of displaying NFTs

Print the NFT:

Printing the image of NFT is one of the cost-effective ways to display your static non-fungible token. A scannable QR code can be embedded in the asset to prove its authenticity so that viewers or buyers are ensured of its originality. In order to generate the code, you can just enter the URL address related to the artwork into the QR-code generator platform. However, printing the non-fungible token image on a canvas or paper will result in a poor quality image as these kinds of images are suitable for digital formats.

You may take the help of non-fungible token printing companies if you don’t have much idea about the type of printing paper, print size, or finish for tangible non-fungible tokens. This is because the companies utilize the latest technology to print high-resolution non-fungible token copies. Discover the best NFT size.

Tablets and iPads:

NFT art can be displayed as a background on your iPad or tablet. However, this option may necessitate the installation of numerous tablets to exhibit to your entire collection. While these gadgets are well-equipped to show your non-fungible tokens, it’s not the most optimal.

NFTs Background

Social media:

Social media platforms are the best option for displaying your artwork. Proud NFT owners usually keep their NFTs as profile pictures. While social media may be a wonderful place to post your non-fungible tokens and grow your audience, the issue is that it may not be possible to show it off as gracefully as other alternatives. The size restrictions on social platforms prevent you from displaying your artwork in high resolution.

Bored Ape Yacht Club

Digital NFT frames:

This is one of the most creative ways to display your virtual art to the public. Digital frames are capable of displaying your non-fungible tokens in GIF or video format, unlike the printed versions. These frames include exciting features such as an anti-glare display, speakers, and auto-rotation. Furthermore, you can switch between various non-fungible tokens and their related QR codes without changing the frame. This is because the virtual or digital frames are smartphone-controlled.

There are numerous digital frame options available online. Infinite Object is a well-known startup that provides display frames for non-fungible video tokens. The firm is also the digital frame of choice for the artist Beeple, who made news when he sold the most expensive NFT ever at $69.3 million. Netgear’s Meural Canvas is a more versatile option for displaying your NFTs.


It’s more than just a way to show off your NFTs; it’s a digital frame that can show off any of your images or videos. As a result, it’s more expensive compared to its competitors. Meural Canvas allows you to connect your digital wallet to the app and show your NFTs right on the canvas.

Display NFT online:

NFT marketplaces have millions of visitors every day. Hence, these platforms are the perfect vessel to display your newly bought NFTs. As a user, you can display your entire collection by creating a profile on these marketplaces. You can also display your artwork on websites like Collectors Hub, Showtime, and Lazy, where artists and collectors frequently post about their NFTs. Furthermore, if you already have a large following on social media platforms like NFT Discord and Twitter, you may be able to launch your own NFT art website.


Since NFTs are multidimensional assets, their utility transcends marketplaces and digital frames. They can be easily displayed in the metaverse environments, as these digital worlds have their own art galleries or locations that are ideal for showing off the art.

Consider Decentraland and Sandbox, where users can purchase virtual plots on which one can host a non-fungible token art exhibition and invite other users. Once you’ve signed up and purchased virtual land, you can organize shows, auctions, and other gatherings to display, promote, or sell your NFT collection. You can also create one-of-a-kind passes and tickets for these events and distribute them via social media.


If you’re a budding artist and platforms like Decentraland are out of your price range, consider Cyber. Here users can freely exhibit their NFTs to the public. Although these platforms lack popularity compared to some of the other virtual worlds, they are still worth the shot. They are ideal for producing immersive NFT art exhibitions and attracting your own audience. Know more about the role of NFTs in Metaverse.

These new NFT display methods have the potential to bridge the gap between the digital art sector and the real world. They are extremely useful in introducing NFTs to audiences who might not be aware of web3 advancements otherwise. With their distinct visual appeal, NFT displays are expected to increase public acceptance of blockchain technologies.


There are several simple ways to show your non-fungible token collection. Your decision will be influenced by factors such as your point of view, convenience, and budget. One aspect to remember when discussing the NFT art exhibition is its fluid space that is thronging with new methods at a very quick pace.

Although the non-fungible tokens are displayed on digital frameworks and monitors right now, the future will be different and include Metaverse. Therefore, you must focus on virtual space for artwork displays to gain success and benefits.


How do I display non-fungible token art in my home?

You can display your NFT at home by printing out a physical copy of the digital artwork. This requires a QR code that can be easily procured from a QR-code generator site. Additionally, you may also employ digital frames to show off your non-fungible token artwork. These frames are best suited for videos or animations. Most digital frames are smartphone-enabled. Therefore, you can effortlessly switch between different NFTs.

Can I print out my NFT art?

Yes, you can print your NFT art if you have permission to make physical copies of the digital work. Not all NFT art is printable. Some NFT creators want their work to be purely digital. Therefore, they do not provide printing rights to the buyers. If you have printing rights, you may make physical copies of the NFT to show off in your home.

Can you hang an NFT on your wall?

Yes, NFT can be hung on the wall. You can achieve this in a variety of ways. First, you can use digital art frames to exhibit your NFT artworks throughout your home. You can also use your TV screens as a frame to display the NFT. Another way is to make printed copies of the digital artwork and put them on the walls.

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Whether you wish to learn about NFT, Blockchain, Web3.0, Metaverse, or other emerging technologies, we have the vital resources that will enlighten and help you make an informed decision.

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