NFT for Dummies: A Practical Beginners Guide To NFT

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NFT for Dummies: A Practical Beginners Guide To NFT Featured Image

NFTs have become the current buzz in the sector of cryptoverse. And to understand why to read your guide – NFT For Dummies – cause As per the stats, NFT revenues reached $23 billion in 2021, up from $340 million in 2020. This demonstrates how quickly the market is developing. And there is no sign of slowing down with the latest invention such as Play2Earn gaming and the “Metaverse” opening doors for current use cases for such costly JPEGs.

In case you are a newbie in the crypto world, NFTs are digitized assets stocked on the blockchain. Every NFT for dummies comprises unique cryptography, which indicates they are authentic assets that can have only one owner at a time. They cannot be replicated or split in any way.

Non-fungible tokens are gaining traction and acceptance as they enable artists and content providers to make cash while preserving exclusive rights. Moreover, as the two NFTs are not similar, their values grow exponentially, enabling people to sell them as per their worth.

Thus, it won’t be wrong to state that NFTs are now conquering the digital art world. When everyone globally accepted Bitcoin as the digital solution to currency, NFTs examples are now considered the digital solution to collectibles.

If you’re curious and want to learn more about an NFT for dummies, you’ve come to the correct spot. This NFT guide will walk you through the entire NFT explanation and clarify all your doubts related to NFTs. So, let’s get started.

NFT For dummies

What does Non-fungible Token Means?

NFT, known as non-fungible tokens, refer to cryptographic tokens that have a unique capability or element, making them distinct from other NFTs. These digital tokens are permanently associated with a piece and encoded with the creator’s sign. It attests to the piece’s possession and legitimacy.

In simple terms, NFT is a form of digital asset that showcases real-world artifacts such as music, arts, precious gems such as diamonds, in-game stuff, and many more. They are often encrypted with similar software as any other cryptos and are purchased and sold online with cryptocurrency.

However, remember that no NFT is the same, and it’s not similar to any other in respect to value or property. Every NFT is allotted a digital hash differentiating it from other NFTs. This distinct trait enables an NFT to be used as proof of provenance.

NFTs comes with essential features such as rarity, indivisibility, and uniqueness:


NFTs’ worth is associated with their inadequacy. Though the developers can create several tokens, they generally limit them to enhance rarity.


One of the most crucial characteristics of NFT is uniqueness. They have a persistent data tab that identifies them as one-of-a-kind. This might be regarded as their validity certificate.


Though NFTs aren’t fixed, you cannot split them into smaller chunks. You can either purchase the complete digital art or not buy it at all.


NFTs are stored on a DLT in a connected wallet. The primary inventors of the NFT have authority over the secret key of the account in which the NFT exists, and they have the right to move the NFT to any account.

Why Is It Called Non-Fungible?

Fungibility is synonymous with interoperability. Hence, any two components that can be traded fairly are fungible. For instance, you get a $20 bill. If you give two different bills of $10 each, you meet the needs. This is because every $10 holds a similar value. Hence, you can say that money is a fungible asset. Likewise, bitcoin is a fungible token.

Simultaneously, let’s take two Harry Potter books. They may come with the same storyline and cover page, but one among them is the first edition autographed by J.K Rowling. Thus, you can’t trade them fairly, and hence they are non-fungible.

How Is NFT Distinct from Cryptocurrency?

NFT is constructed with the same code as cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, but that’s where the similarities end.

Cryptocurrencies are fungible, which indicates they can be sold or exchanged for each other. They are the same in value; just like one dollar is worth another dollar, one Bitcoin is similar to another Bitcoin. The fungibility of cryptocurrency gives it a reliable method of executing blockchain payments.

NFTs are distinct. NFTs seem to be more akin to collectibles, and they may grow in value. Each contains a digital certificate that prevents NFTs from being swapped for or equivalent to each other (hence, non-fungible). For instance, any NBA Top Shot clip is not equivalent to another NBA Top Shot clip just because they are NFT.

meaning of NFT

Why is NFT Crucial?

The increased popularity of NFTs may be attributed to their “enhanced ease of enrolling,” both as an investment and collectibles purpose. NFTs open new doors for people to buy and trade digital products. They assist digital creators in showcasing their talent and provide them an opportunity to purchase and trade digital art via digital ledger safely. With the help of NFT, new and old decentralized people can create an exceptional value exchange to design new market structures.

NFTs are a prominent type of complementary investment that grabs the buyer’s attention and interest. Retail investors can have a deep connection when investing in NFTs in financial or utility value.

The NFT buyer anticipates that the token’s value will rise with the passing of time, like other investments. NFTs, like their fungible counterparts, are vulnerable to market forces fluctuations.

As per NFT Yearly Report 2020, published by, the total value of NFT transactions is expected to rise from $62.9 million in 2019 to $250.8 million in 2020.

How Does NFT Work?

NFTs differentiate from ERC-20 tokens, like LINK or DAI, wherein every token is identical and cannot be divided. The non-fungible token gives the power to claim the proprietorship of any unique digital asset that can be tracked utilizing Ethereum’s blockchain as a shared ledger.

You can mint NFT from digital sources as a depiction of digital or non-digital products. For instance, an NFT could denote:

Digital Art:

  • Collectibles
  • Videos
  • GIFs
  • Music

Real-World Items:

  • Invoices with tokens
  • Legal papers
  • Deeds to a vehicle
  • Signatures

There are so many more alternatives to be creative with!

At a time, an NFT is said to have a single owner. This ownership is handled via the exclusive ID and metadata, which no other token can imitate. NFTs are minted via smart contracts, which allocate ownership and govern the transferability of the token.

When anyone mints an NFT, they run code encoded in smart contracts that adhere to distinct criteria, like ERC-721. This data is later put on the blockchain, wherein the NFT is handled. The minting process from the top level has to undergo these steps:

  • Adding a new block
  • Data verification
  • Inputting data onto the blockchain

NFTs come with some crucial properties:

  • Every token is assigned a unique identifier that is tied to a single Ethereum address.
  • They are not interoperable with other tokens on a 1:1 basis. For instance, one ETH is like another ETH. Similar is not the case for Non-fungible tokens.
  • Every token has a unique owner, which is easily verified.
  • They are Ethereum-based and may be purchased and traded on any Ethereum-based NFT exchange.

To put it another way, if you are an owner of an NFT:

You can easily prove that you are the sole owner.

  • Establishing ownership of an NFT is entirely equivalent to claiming ownership of ETH in your wallet. For instance, assume you bought an NFT, and the ownership of the token will be transferred to your digital wallet via your shared address.
  • The NFT proves that the copy of your digital data is exclusive.
  • Your secret key gives the assurance that you possess the original.

And if you develop an NFT:

  • You may simply demonstrate that you are the creator.
  • Scarcity is determined by you.
  • You can collect royalties on each sale.
  • You may trade it on any NFT or market. You’re not tied to any marketplace, and you don’t require someone to act as an intermediary.

What is the Usage of NFT?

People who trade cryptocurrencies and acquire artwork frequently utilize NFTs. Aside from that, it has various additional applications, such as:

Digitized Content:

In today’s scenario, the actual usage of NFT is in digitized content. NFT boosts content creators’ revenue by powering a creator economy wherein the artists get the sole ownership of their work over the marketplace they use to promote it.

Investment and Collaterals:

The framework for NFT and DeFi are similar. DeFi program allows you to borrow revenue with the help of collateral. Both DeFi and NFT collaborate to investigate the use of NFTs as collateral instead.

Domain Names:

NFTs, give your domain a simpler name to remember. This operates just like a web domain name, making the IP address more unique and memorable, generally based on length and relevancy.

Gaming Items:

NFTs have piqued the curiosity of several game creators. It can offer a variety of advantages to players. You may purchase goods for your game and then trade them to recoup your investment.

NFT Games

How To Get Started With NFT?

Let’s have a look at a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process of developing an NFT, right from creation to minting and trading your artwork.

Describe Your Objective for Developing NFTs:

One of the foremost things you’ll require to analyze is why you are getting into NFTs before beginning your journey. What are you targeting to gain from it?

In the NFT realm, it’s all about identifying what you wish the NFT to contribute to your company via the NFT.

For instance, most NFTs for beginners turn to NFTs to share their work, establish their image, and get their artwork in front of buyers. Other businesses are making NFTs establish a network by rallying people around their initiative while generating funds.

Once you analyze why you are getting into NFTs and their motive, you’ll have a clear picture of what kind of NFTs you should create to gain profit. You’ll also have a better understanding of how to arrange them effectively.

Decide What Type of NFT You Wish to Create

Before connecting with any blockchain or visiting any NFT marketplace online, it’s essential to first analyze what type of NFT you wish to create. This is one of the most complicated and easiest steps at the same time. The easiest way to do this is, to begin with, the final goal in mind.

What is your objective? Is it to earn revenue, establish your brand image, or just experiment with this thrilling industry? Analyzing what you wish to accomplish will provide you with a clear picture of your creative procedure. This is vital if you wish to end up with a unique digital asset.

If you are already a creative professional involved in selling physical artwork, this procedure will be a cakewalk for you. You are just required to look for a way to transfer your creative work onto the digital space.

If you’re beginning fresh, you’ll need to discover a means to carve your path in the crowded world and begin creating a following. The greatest advice is to remain with something you’re enthusiastic about. Polish your talents as much as possible, as competition is becoming increasingly severe.

The majority of NFTs are housed on the Ethereum blockchain and adhere to the ERC-721 NFT Specification. The most common reason why several NFTs are housed on the Ethereum blockchain is their popularity, safety, and the certainty that buyers and traders use it.

Apart from this, Ethereum functions as a decentralized, translucent public ledger. This enables creators to mint tokens with identical metadata encrypted into the smart contract that they can utilize to highlight ownership of their creativity.

That being said, Ethereum is not the sole blockchain on the block. Multiple blockchains support NFTs, so ensure you conduct your research before minting the tokens on any marketplace. Some other options include Binance, Flow, Polygon, etc.

Select an NFT Marketplace

After that, you require to select the marketplace wherein you will mint and trade your NFT. Nowadays, there are multiple marketplaces that come with several pros and cons. If you wish to keep things hassle-free, you can’t get wrong with renowned marketplaces like UPYO.

Set Up The Crypto Wallet

Before moving ahead and creating your NFT art, the foremost thing you require is a crypto wallet wherein you’ll keep your cryptocurrencies and NFTs. However, while selecting a wallet, you need to check whether the wallet is compatible with the marketplace you have selected to sell your NFTs.

Crypto wallets are mainly categorized as hardware or software wallets. Software wallets are digital wallets that keep your NFTs online. Similarly, hardware wallets are physical wallets that keep NFTs offline, making them safer. Some of the most popular wallets are Enjin, MetaMask, Coinbase wallet, etc.  

Purchase Crypto from Exchange

Most NFT marketplaces require you to pay some “gas fees” when it comes to minting your NFTs. These are basically the amount paid to the miners to execute and confirm the transaction on the blockchain. Hence, you require to purchase some crypto from the exchange to bear this cost. However, ensure it’s compatible with the platform and blockchain you will utilize.

Apart from this, if you are trading NFTs using Polygon, you may require to utilize a bridge. It is a connection that enables the movement of assets between two blockchains. However, sending your crypto to any invalid address is a general mistake. In case you do this, you may lose your crypto forever.

Connect Your Wallet to your Desired Marketplaces

After you set up your wallet and add cryptocurrency to it, you need to connect your wallet to the marketplace to make the transaction.

Mint Your NFT

Once you have selected the marketplace, you can now mint your NFT. This is where you will convert your digital file into a full-fledged NFT on the blockchain. You can make an entry in several metadata that will be carved into the smart contract. You can also configure several features like automatic royalty fees whenever your NFT is sold on the tertiary marketplaces.

Decide whether You Want to Trade your NFT or Not

After you have created your NFT, you are required to decide on what you need to do with it. Generally, you have two choices, either keep it on hold or trade it. In case you wish to keep your NFT, it’s recommended that you keep it safe on a non-custodial wallet for which you own the private keys. This helps you have complete control over your crypto asset.

However, if you wish to trade your NFT, your perfect bet would be to utilize that marketplace only, which you utilized to mint the token. You need to set the price and tenure, select from fixed price and auction option, and wait for the buyer to purchase it.

The Future of NFTs

The applications of non-fungible assets are limitless. Apart from in-game trinkets or wacky digital art, NFTs can symbolize real-world property, a person’s credentials, or any other distinctive object. NFTs allow creating, distributing, storing, sharing, buying, and selling digital assets on a device the size of a hand.

Despite being the current buzzword in the DLT field, NFT is still in its development phase. Except for the fact that the concept is fresh to the market, the high prices of certain NFTs being marketed today are unjustifiable. The ecosystem is changing, from gaming to decentralized banking, fine art, digital identification, and various additional use cases enabled by NFTs.

Final Words

NFTs will dramatically transform whole sectors by altering how we share and absorb almost everything. That is enormous, and we are only at the beginning of this period of NFT adoption. This guide to NFT for beginners discusses every parameter of NFT in detail.

  • NFTs are kept and sold on a blockchain network, the most popular of which is Ethereum. Counterfeiting is impossible for a decentralized and everlasting record, making it reliable and tamper-evident.
  • Digital artists can keep the ownership and control of their tasks and claim resale royalty without the assistance of any third party like a media agency, publication house, or any distribution platform.
  • NFTs enable the transfer of money from advertisers (or distributors) to customers via selling and provide total autonomy to the originator.
  • An NFT comprises a digital certificate of proprietorship, and the transaction data is present publicly. When everyone is enamored with Instagram blue tick boxes and personalized tags, this might open up a plethora of chances for artists.
  • With that being said, NFTs for dummies are still in their growing stage as a trading asset, and spending money on them is highly unsafe. They are highly volatile, and one must conduct thorough research before planning to invest in them. It’s just like making an investment in the crypto market in the year 2015.

It might be a very worthwhile venture if you conduct your research and invest wisely. However, it’s advisable to invest only that much of what you can manage to lose. This is the Web 3.0 era. If all goes as planned, NFTs will be ubiquitous.

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Whether you wish to learn about NFT, Blockchain, Web3.0, Metaverse, or other emerging technologies, we have the vital resources that will enlighten and help you make an informed decision.

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