All NFTs

Explore the most popular NFT categories on UPYO, the best platform to trade your digital assets and build a portfolio.

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How many categories of NFT are there?

Several categories of NFT exist today based on use cases, functionality, and characteristics. However, the major NFT types include - Collectibles, art, music, sports, videos, domain names, photography, memes, games, and trading cards. While these are some standard categories, the scope of NFT is massive, and there’s no bar as to what qualifies as an NFT

What type of NFT sells the most?

The type of NFT that sells the most include - artworks, digital collectibles, video games, doodles, memes, and videos. Furthermore, the CryptoPunks collections, Sandbox, Cryptokitties are other top-selling NFTs. The number of sales, the number of bidders, and the actual price are generally considered when determining the type of NFT that sells the most.